'use strict';
* @fileOverview The base.resolver component provides inversion of control and dependency injection api for running of
* zest infrastructure components. Using resolver, you set up a simple configuration and tell resolver which components
* you want to load. Each component registers itself with resolver, so other components can use its functions.
* Components can be maintained as NPM packages so they can be dropped in to other zest integrations. Simple components
* can also just be a file that can be required from node. (A javascript file or even a JSON file)
* @module base-resolver
* @requires base-resolver/configurations
* @requires base-resolver/resolution-provider
* @requires base-resolver/unloader
* @requires base-resolver/utils
* @requires {@link external:q}
* @requires {@link external:base-logger}
var q = require('q');
var path = require('path');
var logger = require('base.logger')('RESOLVER');
var resolverFactory = function (configPathOrArray, basePath) {
// array of configurations
var args = [
configArray = configPathOrArray,
// base directory relative to which modules should be resolved
// resolver that has load, reload and unload functions
// configurations is initialized here and sent to resolution-provider
configurations = require('./resolver/configurations')(),
// unloader is used to inject unload dependency
unloader = require('./resolver/unloader')(),
resolutionProvider = require('./resolver/resolution-provider')(
configurations, unloader
* @description The load function runs all starting components in the configuration, injecting all other
* dependencies required.
* @returns {external:q} a Promise that gets resolved with {@link module:base-resolver~Resolver} when the load is
* executed. This promise is rejected with the error if load execution fails.
* @memberof module:base-resolver~Resolver
var load = function () {
var startupDependencies = configurations.startupDependencies();
logger.info(startupDependencies.length, 'startup components found. Loading them now.');
return q.all(
function (dependencyExpression) {
return resolutionProvider.resolve(dependencyExpression);
function () {
logger.info('all components loaded successfully!');
return resolver;
}, function (error) {
logger.error('error loading startup components!', error);
throw error;
* @description The unload function will call all registered unload handlers and clear off the dependency
* tree
* @returns {external:q} a Promise that gets resolved when the unload is executed. This promise is rejected with the
* error if unload execution fails.
* @memberof module:base-resolver~Resolver
var unload = function () {
logger.info('unloading components.');
return unloader.unload().then(
function () {
logger.info('successfully unloaded all components!');
* The resolver object that is used to start or restart zest integration by taking care of inversion of control
* and dependency injection.
* @namespace module:base-resolver~Resolver
resolver = {
load: load,
unload: unload,
* The reload function will re-configure and start all starting components in the
* configuration. If a reload is called before the previous reload is over, the previous reload will be
* interrupted.
* @returns {external:q} a Promise that gets resolved with {@link module:base-resolver~Resolver} when the
* reload is executed. This promise is rejected with the error if reload execution fails.
* @memberof module:base-resolver~Resolver
reload: function () {
logger.debug('reloading components.');
return unload().then(
function () {
return resolverFactory.apply({}, args);
function (resolver) {
return resolver.load();
logger.info('initializing resolver with configurations.');
if (basePath) {
baseDir = path.resolve(basePath);
if (typeof configPathOrArray === 'string') {
try {
configArray = require(configPathOrArray);
if (!baseDir) {
baseDir = path.resolve(path.dirname(configPathOrArray));
} catch (error) {
if (error.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
logger.error('cannot parse configuration file.');
throw error;
configPathOrArray = path.join(process.cwd(), configPathOrArray);
configArray = require(configPathOrArray);
if (!baseDir) {
baseDir = path.dirname(configPathOrArray);
if (!(configArray instanceof Array)) {
throw new Error('Resolver can only be configured with an array. Check your configuration');
if (!baseDir) {
/*jslint nomen: true */
baseDir = __dirname;
/*jslint nomen: false */
logger.debug(baseDir, configArray);
return configurations.setup(configArray, baseDir).then(
function () {
logger.info('initialization successful.');
return resolver;
}, function (error) {
logger.error('error initializing resolver!', error);
throw error;
* This function configures the resolver. This function takes two parameters and creates a configuration object that is
* used to load the starting modules.
* @param {string|Array.<module:base-resolver~Configuration|string>} configPathOrArray - If this parameter is a string,
* requiring the string path should return the config array. We try to require the <code>configPath</code> directly. If
* that fails, it is joined with the current working directory of the process for resolution. The config array itself
* can also be passed instead of passing a <code>configPath</code>. if config array element is a string, it is assumed
* to be the path of the {@link module:base-resolver~Configuration } object, with all other properties defaulted.
* @param {string} [basePath] - basePath is an optional parameter which provides the absolute path from where the
* components should be resolved. If <code>basePath</code> is not provided, it is resolved as follows:
* <ul><li>if the first parameter is a <code>configPath</code> string, the <code>basePath</code> is assumed to be the
* <code>configPath</code></li>
* <li>if the first parameter is a not a <code>configPath</code> string, the <code>basePath</code> is assumed to be the
* current working directory for the process</li></ul>
* @returns {external:q} a Promise that gets resolved with {@link module:base-resolver~Resolver} when the resolver is
* set up. This promise is rejected with the error if the resolver set-up fails.
module.exports = function (configPathOrArray, basePath) {
return q.Promise(
function (resolve) {
resolve(resolverFactory(configPathOrArray, basePath));