ZEST / filestore.disk / Source: filestore/read.js

'use strict';
 * @fileOverview The filestore-disk/read module returns the {@link FileStoreFunctions#read} function.
 * @module filestore-disk/read
 * @requires {@link external:fs-extra}
 * @requires {@link external:path}
 * @requires {@link external:q}
 * @requires filestore-disk/utils
var fs = require('fs-extra'),
    path = require('path'),
    q = require('q'),
    utils = require('./utils');
 * Returns a read function using the config object
 * @param {module:filestore-disk~Config} config - the config object
 * @returns {FileStoreFunctions#read} the read function
module.exports = function (config) {
    var logger = config.logger.group('read'),
         * @memberof FileStoreFunctions
         * @function read
         * @instance
         * @description This function reads a file or a directory at a path.
         * @param {String} relativePath - the actual path of the file or directory to read
         * @returns {external:q} a promise that gets resolved with the following:
         *    - an array of {@link module:filestore-disk/utils~Stats|Stats} object for all child items if the read
         *      path is a folder or a symlink to a folder.
         *    - The actual read stream if the read path is a file or a symlink to a file.
        read = function (relativePath) {
            return utils.getStats(config.baseDir, relativePath).then(
                function (stats) {
                    if (stats.type !== 'D') {
                        logger.debug('creating read stream', relativePath);
                        return q(fs.createReadStream(path.join(config.baseDir, relativePath)));
                    logger.debug('reading directory at', relativePath);
                    return q.denodeify(fs.readdir)(
                        path.join(config.baseDir, relativePath)
                        function (files) {
                            return q.all(
                                    function (oneFile) {
                                        return utils.getStats(config.baseDir, path.join(relativePath, oneFile));
    return read;